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Powdered costus root

Powdered costus root


Indian costus roots are sold as Indian costus in pieces, which you can use as you please, internally or externally.


Indian costus roots are sold as Indian costus in pieces, which you can use as you please, internally or externally.

What we call in Arabic "al qist al hindi" is very famous for its beneficial properties for your whole body.

The root of costus

The herbaceous plant saussurea costus is a plant whose roots are used, which can reach 40cm in length. Indian costus has many health benefits, and is one of the 50 most important plants in traditional Chinese medicine.

The root of costus must be ground into a powder for consumption. This has a very varied use that we mention below in this article.

You should know that al qist al hindi is a natural remedy well known among the Arabs, who use it in particular for its action against witchcraft.

How is costus root used?

The root of costus must therefore be broken into small pieces, then reduced to powder. You can then consume it internally or externally, depending on your need.


The root of costus is therefore food grade. It can simply be mixed with honey, water, zamzam water, or whatever, and be drunk (1g of costus powder for 10g of water or whatever). This natural remedy is excellent if you suffer from digestive problems, irregular menstrual cycles, to improve fertilization, to treat urinary diseases, sexual insufficiency,

increase appetite, and even to improve cognitive abilities.

It is recommended as a cure of at least 3 months to take full advantage of its benefits.

By external route

Costus root powder can be instilled and inhaled through the nose, to help treat colds and work in the treatment of tonsils, inflammation of the uvula and pharynx, respiratory diseases such as asthma, but also against tonsillitis and fever.

Used on a compress, it can help reduce freckles and soothe burns and wounds.


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